Grain Dryer Services

Established in 1989, Ag Dryer Services, Inc. has crews specializing in grain dryer preseason service contracts, installation, construction, electrical work, and troubleshooting. Capable of doing repairs on grain dryers damaged by wind, fire, and corrosion. We have equipment for the installation of new and used grain dryers. Motor, fan, and burner replacement is also available. Ag Dryer Services, Inc. specializes in updating and replacement of electrical systems, including the design and installation of Computer Based Systems. (PLC) Moisture control systems by Dryermaster are also available.

Parts Department with extensive inventory

Our parts department is well stocked for all dryer models and has a very wide network of vendors to find obsolete replacement parts. Our facility has the capability to manufacture parts for all grain dryers. This includes a number of brands that are out of production or were made by companies no longer in business. We also manufacture repair parts for grain handling equipment associated with drying operations. Ag Dryer Services, Inc. will ship nationally and internationally to accommodate all your dryer needs.

Service Department

Since its inception Ag Dryer Services, Inc. has developed a service department with the ability to take care of any current or discontinued model of grain dryer. We pride ourselves on providing timely service by one of our fully trained and dedicated service crews. Ag Dryer Services, Inc. has a customer base of over 4200 and maintains over 200 yearly service agreements on grain dryers. Preseason grain dryer service contracts are available for preventative maintenance. All customers can access our service department for emergency help on the phone.

Grain Dryer Service Contract

Construction Division

Ag Dryer Services, Inc. also has a construction division capable of new installation and structural repairs of any type, from major rebuilds to minor repairs, at elevatorsĀ or processing plants. Dryers or parts can be repaired on site or returned to our plant for major overhaul. Work crews, comprised of 2-6 trained staff, travel to our customers from North Dakota to Texas and to the east coast. Larger customers include soybean processing plants. These complete overhauls may require a work crew of 6-8 individuals working 10-14 days.